He put on his shirt, the pants, the jacket, the shoes. Running late like always, He knew he had to be on time, just this once. A handsome young man off to meet his princess. She was a hundred times more beautiful than he ever imagined, Her simple white dress showed her innocence. He realized he had let her down, To this point he'd never told her what he should have. She is he's life, More Beautiful than the rising moon or setting sun, More valuable than the world itself. He cares for her more than he cares for himself. He had her heart in the palm of his hand, He was a king, She was his Queen. He knew what to say, he know's how much he loves her, As much now, as then. He lost himself in her eyes, An ice cold blue he couldn't escape, A stare that grabbed his heart and tugged on his soul. The tears started slowly, and progressed until he was sobbing. A gentle tap on his shoulder brought him back, A room full of black glad individuals, All either friends or family, He couldn't make out their faces though the tears though, only his princess. His heart broke in half, As he closed his eyes and laid the white rose across her chest. If only she could hear me he thought, If only I could tell her what I've known all along. He kissed her once warm lips, Again on the check, And finally whispered in her ear, "I love you. I loved you then, and I'll love you forever. I know you'll be in Hevean, Because that's where Angels come from and where they go, You are to sweet and beautiful not to go. Just stay by my side for eternity, Because I'll never forget you, My night, my day, my love, my life. I'm sorry I didn't say what I should have, You were so beautiful to me." He walked away, To live his life for her, Just like he had every other day. Scott Snoopy4568@aol.com *E-mail me with any comments you have, good or bad : )